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Holy Spirit

Understanding who the Holy Spirit is, what he does and how he works
Wait for It! // Dave Mitchell
Wait for It!

What does it mean to wait for the Holy Spirit and why should we bother?

Gifts of the Spirit

What are the Gifts of the Spirit and how do they work?

Baptism in the Spirit

What is the baptism in the Spirit and how can I experience it?

The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit and why should I care?

Crutch or Call to Action?

The Spirit came to equip us to bring God's Kingdom to a broken world. So how does that work and what is Pentecost?

Life in the Spirit

What does it mean to live in the Spirit and how do we put that into practice in our everyday lives?


What does it mean to be empowered by the Holy Spirit? How does it work and how do we access it?


The one area where most of us need inspiration, confidence and power is in sharing our faith with others. So what’s available to us and what does Pentecost teach us about the role of the Spirit in sharing faith?