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Matt Price Drewett

Worship Team Lead

David - Part 1: Goliath // Matt Price Drewett

It takes more than promises and belief to fulfil your God-given destiny. You have to prove God’s calling on your life, not just presume it. 

Tales of the Unexpected - Part 4: Riches, Unexpected // Matt Price Drewett
Riches, Unexpected

The Parable of the Widow's Mite: A parable that wasn't a parable about a super rich person that wasn't rich.

One Another -  Part 2: Forgive // Matt Price Drewett

It’s easy to cancel one another, but a lot harder to forgive. So why should we do it – and more importantly, how?

Jesus our Hope

We find echoes of Christmas in the darkest times. After all, that's where hope is needed the most.

Gifts of the Spirit

What are the Gifts of the Spirit and how do they work?


If what John says about Jesus defeating darkness is true, why is there still darkness in the world?

Pluck it Out

Does Jesus really mean the things he says in the Sermon on the Mount and how on earth are we supposed to live up to them?

Dude, Where's My Future?

God's people endured pain and suffering in exile. So how is it that God says His plans for them were good?

Loss in a Lockdown

What does the story of Lazarus teach us about experiencing God's love and comfort in a time of grieving and sorrow?

Crooked Boss

Our money talks. It tells a story about us. How can we change that story and use our money for something that makes a difference?


How do we avoid suffering the consequences of our wrong choices and actions?

From Wall to Worship

Rebuilding is not complete without worship and spiritual renewal. What are our values around worship as a building community?

Sarah Considered

How does faith actually work, and what does it have to do with God’s character?

Hope vs. Reality

It isn't supposed to be like this. What do we do when our experiences don't match up to our expectations?