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Handling finances well and learning how to be generous with money and free from materialism
Disciplines that Make a Difference - Part 3: The Discipline of Giving // Philip Jinadu
The Discipline of Giving

We tend to think of giving as an off the cuff response to an emotional ask. But what if it’s a practice that shapes our discipleship?

The Call - Part 4: The Call to Give // Chloe Swinney
The Call to Give

Jesus called the rich to sell their possessions and give to the poor. Are we really supposed to answer this call, or was Jesus bluffing?

Promise Keeper - Part 5: The Promise of Blessing // Philip Jinadu
The Promise of Blessing

God promises to open the windows of heaven and pour out overwhelming blessing on those that trust Him with their wealth.

Tales of the Unexpected - Part 4: Riches, Unexpected // Matt Price Drewett
Riches, Unexpected

The Parable of the Widow's Mite: A parable that wasn't a parable about a super rich person that wasn't rich.

Ananias & Sapphira

Religious hypocrisy has been a danger to the church from the start. Meet two people that went from role model to cautionary tale.

King of Your Wealth

Jesus is not the only King vying for our loyalty. So what does it mean to serve Jesus as King with what we possess and what’s in it for us?

Hearse With A Luggage Rack

We’re told the one who dies with the most toys wins. Maybe we’re playing the wrong game.

Credited to Your Account

What’s the secret to contentment? Is there an alternative to materialism? And how does God reward generosity?

Sell Your Possessions

Why does Jesus put such emphasis on money and wealth and do we really have to give up everything to follow him?

When You Give

What does giving have to do with spirituality - and how does it bring us closer to God and happiness?

Crooked Boss

Our money talks. It tells a story about us. How can we change that story and use our money for something that makes a difference?

S is for Sacrifice

Is it possible to follow Jesus without personal sacrifice? What are some of the sacrifices that we'll have to make for the new service, and what's in it for us?

Jesus vs. Greed

Jesus had more to say about money than almost any other subject. Why is this and what does it mean for us?

Trusted with Good Things

What resources has God trusted us with? How do we make sure we act as good stewards?


A nice guy that was happy to finish last. How can you tell that someone is all in for God's Kingdom?

Prosperity Follows

How do we make good financial decisions that set us up for the long haul, and what’s the place of giving when money is tight?

The One Percenter

What does discipleship look like and how can we make sure that our possessions don’t end up possessing us?

How We Do Giving

Why is it important to cultivate a lifestyle of generosity and how do we facilitate that as a community?

Give Save Live

Generosity isn't about having lots of money or a particular type of personality. It's a way of life that anybody can choose. So how do we develop a lifestyle of cheerful generosity and what are the benefits?

Life After Debt

The average person spends 10% more than they earn. For most of us, debt is a way of life. So how do we break free and what are the keys to getting a handle on our finances?

The Secret

Capitalism runs on discontentment - it's a system designed to make us always want more, bigger, better, newer. So how do we beat the system and what exactly is the Secret of Contentment?